Squak Slam 08-01-2023

Cool old barn

Between big hikes and mountain summits, I have been working on a project to hike all the trails in the Issaquah Alps – Cougar, Squak, and Tiger Mountains. I was reviewing my Gaia GPS maps, and Squak looked like one I could knock out in an outing or two. Squak Mountain was donated to Washington State as a state park in 1972 bu the Bullet family, owners of the Seattle Times. There is an old stone fireplace near the summit, the remains of their family cabin built 70+ years ago. I first ventured upon over 30 years ago while exploring this area while attending The University of Washington in the 1980s.


Squak is a forested mountain with several distinct peaks. Central Southeast (2 summits), and West. The trails are gentle and go through many land, trees, ferns, and spring-fed stream, which were dry primarily during this last outing and the occasional glacial erratic. I took two days to finish all the trails as I was running late on meeting my friend Ric Merrifield at the Attic in Madison Park.

Cool bend in the trail.
I love old weather trail signs.
Cool bench on the trail for rest

My second day was finishing up four trail access points from various residential neighborhoods and a section of decommissioned trails used for trail-running events. It took me more time to drive amount all the access points vs. finishing up the trail segments.

The final segments in purple.

The mountain’s trails crisscross each other, making for a nearly endless variety of routes of different lengths and challenges. The signage below should indicate the many trails available to hike. Some are clearly older than others.

I always enjoy the waning daylight through the trees. Trees, trees, and more trees.

Elevation profile of all the trails I hiked.

With Squak completed, I can focus on my next mountain to finish – Cougar! As always, thanks for #HikingWithHadland, @hikingwiththehad.

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